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BLEND-IT Symposium 2016

The BLEND-IT Symposium will be held on June 2nd 2016 in Targu Jiu, Romania. This event will bring together experts, practitioners, educators, facilitators and researchers to discuss about how to transform education. The focus of the one day symposium is on applying blended learning strategies in various learning spaces and on sharing results of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership, BLEND-IT. Sessions are designed as to engage constructive dialogue between participants and delegates of the partner institutions of the project, that will allow all participants to take away strategies they can apply in their own blended and on-line practice, as well as offering networking opportunities.

Proposals are due on or before May 20 , 2016. All proposals received will be reviewed and applicants will be contacted on or before May 25. Please register for the Symposium before or after you have been confirmed as a presenter. All participants that attend the Symposium will have their articles published in an e-book, regardless of the fact that they will be among the presenters.

Registration is free.

Session formats are: - 30 minute sessions - Ignite Session: 20 presenters will have 10 minutes each to share best practices, knowledge, information about blended teaching and learning with the audience.

Requirements for your works /essays:

- Maximum 6 pages, A4 size with equal margins of 25 mm (text Justified - "Justified"). - The title will be written in capital letters (Times New Roman 14 Bold) centred. - Author / authors and the institution will be written two lines below the title (Times New Roman 12 Bold), left-aligned text. An article may have maximum two authors. - Two lines under the author's name you must write a summary of your essay (Times New Roman 10 Italic). - Two lines under the summary, you may begin writing the text (Times New Roman 11). - Bibliography will be recorded at the end of the paper. - Work will be saved in Microsoft Word format 2003/2007/2010. - You are responsible for the originality of your work (make sure that the ideas in the paper belong only to the authors). - Presentations will be made by the selected participants at the symposium, within the limit of 10 minutes (10-15 slides) and must be in electronic format (USB drive or CD), PowerPoint 2003/2007/2010 or a similar format.

The following themes may be addressed:

  • Blended Learning

  • Inquiry-based Learning

  • Project-based learning

  • Cooperative Learning

  • Inspiring Education

  • Research

  • Creating flexible, personalized learning programs

  • Gaming/gamification

  • Moodle

  • Other

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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