BLEND-IT Symposium 2016
The BLEND-IT Symposium will be held on June 2nd 2016 in Targu Jiu, Romania. This event will bring together experts, practitioners,...
A34 Dissemination of the meeting in Italy focusing on student-centered teaching
Dissemination Thematic Workshops were organized in all partner institutions in order to present the results from the first students...
A15 Exhibition of results while celebrating Europe day
On 9 May 2015, Europe Day was celebrated across the 6 EU institutions involved. We have all invited other people (students, parents,...
C6, C7 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Italy
The Short-term students exchange, part of BLEND-IT, Erasmus+ project was held in San Benedetto del Tronto, from 4 to 8 May 2015. This...
A11 Radio broadcast from Radio Severo
On Tuesday April 28 the IES SEVERO OCHOA broadcasted a live event on media (radio, television and Internet) in connection with various...
A33 Preparation for the meeting in Italy
Preparations for the 1st Students Exchange and 2nd Transnational Meeting of the BLEND-IT, Erasmus+ project took place in April 2015: the...
A14 Research and analysis activities while exploring other options for teaching using BL such as: Dr
There is a great variety of different approaches and ways in which we can enhance the effectiveness of BL lessons, that is why we have...
A10 Introductory video about each institution
All 6 partner institutions had the task to create videos that tell what makes their school exceptional or how their institutions is...
A35. Development of new learning objects. Publishing the entire collection on the website
We have embedded different media, such as audio or video, and then added content to produce learning objects to meet the specific needs...
O2/A2 Test the course under Austrian’s moderation, reflect and change (if necessary) the content of
There was a group with the members from the project team, from each institution, moderated by the Austrian members. They tested the...