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Baseline Survey for Students

October 25, 2014

Dear Students,

Our research team is studying methods of improving teaching and learning in your school, including the methods used in Blended learning, which our project focuses on. This survey asks about your views about learning, your strategies for learning, and your personal reasons for studying in general.

Your participation is voluntary and your answers are anonymous and will not be reported in any way that may identify you individually; however they will help us to understand and improve the quality and effectiveness of the learning and teaching process.


Thank you for your responses!




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Baseline survey for teachers

November 12, 2014

Dear Teacher,

We are asking you and other teachers in your school to respond to the following survey.  We are trying to learn about the processes through which teachers implement technology in the classroom. Participating in this study is voluntary, and we will keep all data collected confidential.  

Before answering the section regarding Blended Learning aproach, take a few minutes to view this video as an introduction to blended learning.  This video will give you a clear introduction of what blended learning is and how it works.   As you are viewing this video, think about the impact this type of instruction can have on your students.


We appreciate your taking the time to respond to this survey. 



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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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