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Project's team Welcome,

Our main focus is on creating foundations for introducing the Blended Learning concept, which will guarantee an easier education transitions from gymnasium to high school or from high school to university.  We will also develop free resources, which will be available on our website and will show you the best approaches to use these resources in order to exemplify effective educational practice.​

But our project is not focusing only on B-learning, through planed activities we aim at finding best solutions to educational problems that exist in our organizations. By sharing best practices, knowledge and by learning organizational and technical solutions that were adopted by one of partner organization, by gaining a new perspective about the problems we confront with we will be able to find best solutions.





Our Philosophy

A contributing approach is the change of the teachers role from presenter to facilitator which also will change the learning behavior of students to more learning activities, self-regulated, sustainable learning. But beside the willing, it is necessary to lead and support the teachers in their mind changing process and to provide those corresponding methods, materials, and tools.


Our Logo

Our logo clearly represents the theme of our project in one glance.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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