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Dissemination activities

In Austrian school:
  • emails with info about the project (aims, objectives, results etc) were sent to all teachers from the school

  • the results and decisions taken during the 1st meeting in Portugal were presented in a staff meeting

  • the project was presented to the students and the Short Term students exchange was promoted as well 

In Belgium school:

  • a link to the project website was placed on the school's website

  • a PPT presentation was prepared for the teachers in order to introduce the project and the future course to them

  • leaflet in Dutch has been prepared in order to introduce the project and the future course to teachers and trainers interested in BL

  • a presentation was prepared for the students and the Short Term students exchange was promoted

  • the results and decisions taken during the 1st meeting in Portugal were presented in a staff meeting

  • a movie used to disseminate the meeting in Italy was created

In Italian school:

  • a link to the project website has been placed on the institution's website

  • a leaflet in Italian has been prepared in order to introduce the project and the future course to teachers and trainers interested in BL

  • The short term students exchange in May, in Italy,  has been promoted in order to find students willing to host other students.

  • The presentation of the project has been placed on the notice board located in the school hall.

  • The results and decisions taken during the 1st meeting in Portugal have been presented in a staff meeting

  • The project and the first meeting in Lisbon were promoted at the local press which gave news.

In Portughese School:

  • a link to the project website was placed on the institution's website

  • leaflet in Portughese was prepared in order to introduce the project and the future course to teachers and trainers interested in BL

  • the results and decisions taken during the 1st meeting in Portugal were presented in a staff meeting

  • presentation was prepared for the students and the Short Term students exchange was promoted

  • a movie used to disseminate the meeting in Italy was created

In Romanian Institution:

  • a link to the project website was placed on the institution's website

  • a leaflet in English and Romanian was prepared in order to introduce the project and the future course to teachers and trainers interested in BL

  • the results and decisions taken during the 1st meeting in Portugal were presented in a staff meeting

  • the meeting in Vienna was disseminated in a staff meeting

  • the meeting in Italy was disseminated on the internet

  • the meeting in Belgium was disseminated on the internet


In Spanish School:

  • a link to the project website was placed on the school's website

  • a PPT presentation was prepared for the teachers in order to introduce the project and the future course to them

  • a presentation was prepared for the students and the Short Term students exchange was promoted

  • the results and decisions taken during the 1st meeting in Portugal were presented in a staff meeting

  • a leaflet in Spanish was prepared in order to introduce the project and the future course to teachers and trainers interested in BL

  • the training in Vienna was disseminated

  • the school has organized an exhibition to celebrate Europe Day

  • the results and the impact on students of the students exchange in Italy was presented in the local press and on the school website

  • the meeting in Belgium was disseminated in internet press


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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