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Project activities:


A1 Creating brochures and posters in national languages, used to disseminate the project  

O1/A1 Creating the project website  

A2 Promoting the project in all institutions and cities  

A3 Preparation for the meeting in Portugal 

O1/A2 Updating the website 

A4 Baseline survey to measure students motivation 

O2/A1 Add  content to the course “From teachers to facilitators and moderators of a student-centered learning process” 

A5 Presentation about each country/city 

A6 Designing the Project logo 

A7 Competition to select the best logo 

M1 Transnational meeting in Portuga

A8 Dissemination of the meeting in Portugal. Sharing the details of the decisions and assigned tasks with the Erasmus team of each institution 

A9 Baseline survey  about how many teachers use ICT or BL  and how effective they do it 

A10 Introductory video about each institution 

A11 Radio broadcast from  Radio Severo 

A12 Preparation for the training in Vienna 

C1 Training  in Vienna 

A13 Disseminating the training √

O2/A2 Test the course under Austrian’s moderation, reflect and change (if necessary) the content of the course  

O2/A3 Training the staff of our institutions on how to use Moodle as a tool for BL with our course 

A14 Research and analysis activities while exploring other options for teaching using BL such as: DreamBox, Khan Academy etc 

A15 Exhibition of results while celebrating Europe day 

A16 Consulting other  teachers from schools, experts etc and development of new solutions for reducing absenteeism 

A17 Translation and publication of booklet in national languages 

A18 Filing in  surveys and questionnaires meant to measure impact  and monitor project in the first  year 

A19 Create reports about the first year 

A20 Entry test submission to two parallel classes in Italian school  

A21 Preparation for the Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils +Accompanying staff in Belgium √

C2 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Belgium 

C3 Accompanying staff in Belgium 

A22 Dissemination of the meeting in Belgium, focusing on the importance of parents involvement and the use of I-pads in courses 

A23 Translation and publication of “Practical tips and use about powerful parenting style at home, at school and in society”  in national languages 

O2/A4 Integrating all suitable content which is new produced by our team into the course “From teachers to facilitators and moderators of a student-centered learning process” 

A24 Consulting other teachers from schools, experts etc and development of new solutions for increasing motivation  

A25 Translation and publication of booklet in national languages

A26 Submission exit test to the same classes as before) on didactic units topic-related in order to measure the different outcomes depending on teaching method employed 

A27 Preparation for the meeting in Spain 

C4 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Spain 

C5 Accompanying staff  in Spain 

A28 Dissemination of the meeting in Spain focusing on cooperative learning and service-learning projects 

A29 Exhibition of results while celebrating Europe day 

O2/A5 The course will be translated into the national languages of partner-institutions 

A30 Translation and publication of strategies used to organize classroom activities and improve motivation, academic achievements, behavior and attendance in national languages 

A31 Filing in  surveys and questionnaires meant to measure impact  and monitor project in the second year 

A32 Create reports about the second year 

O2/A6 The course will be offered to etwinning-members for a moderated participation 

O2/A7 The course will be offered to teachers from cities of partner institutions  

A33 Preparation for the meeting in Italy √

O2/A8 Getting feedback from participants and revise the course  

C6 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Italy 

C7 Accompanying staff  in Italy  

A34 Dissemination of the meeting in Italy focusing on student-centered teaching 

A35 Development of new learning objects. Publishing the entire collection on the website 

A36 Preparation, translation and publication of studies as documented by the project partners classroom-practice followed by recommendations and tips 

A37 Preparation,translation and publication of booklet with results and impact on students after using different software used in BL teaching 

A38 Preparation, translation and publication of the Final Sample lesson plans using BL 

A39 Preparation for the meeting in Romania 

M2  Transnational Meeting in Romania  

O2/A9 Making the course accessible at our project-website 

A40 Dissemination of the meeting in Romania focusing on motivating students  and how to teach differentiated 

A41 Final survey- about how many teachers use ICT or BL  

A42 Translation and publication of booklet with remedial solutions for early school leaving in national languages  

A43 Radio broadcast from Radio Severo  to conclude 

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