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IES Severo Ochoa

IES Severo Ochoa is situated in Elche, Spain. It has about 900 students and 70 teachers from several educational levels divided into a Secondary and a Vocational School.

They have a motivated group of teachers who are really interested in developing new teaching and learning strategies in order to motivate students. Related to it, we are running a project about cooperative learning by trying to discover new ways to enhance our pupil's key competences. We are also encouraging  service learning activities in order to turn knowlege into experience. We are receiving training on new methodologies and we are sure we can contribute to this project by sharing our experiencies in other to achieve with our partners the common aim .

We are working on innovation in education. We have been working on this project for the last five years. During the last year they have received training on new methodologies, especially on Cooperative Learning and Key Competences. They have developed an innovative project that has been recognized and funded by the Governement as an Educational Innovation Project whose aim is to draw together all teachers of the secondary school, in order to work as a real team and follow the same pedagogical and educational criteria by introducing new concepts of teaching-learning and IT activities.


To request more information,

contact us:

Carrer d'Illueca 28 03206 Elche, España

Tel 966 912 260,

Fax 966 912 261

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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