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​Tasks of all partners

Each partner institution will have a specific role in our project:

-The Romanian coordinator will create the project website, will assist the development of the Course, will offer templates and guidance to the partners and manage the project. 

-The Italian partner will be responsible for monitoring and evaluation of intangible results- they will design most of questionnaire and survey used, collect and analyze answers and transform them into joint reports.

-The Austrian partner will provide training for the rest of institutions involved, as they are already experts in the area of using Blended learning and they will be responsible for designing and developing the course -“From teachers to facilitators and moderators of a student-centered learning process”.

-The Belgium partner will be responsible for creating, testing different learning objects and collecting the efficient ones in a repertoire on the project’s webpage. 

-The Spanish partner will be responsible for testing different strategies and solutions for educational problems that the schools involved face, and collect the efficient ones into a booklet. 

-The Portuguese partner will be responsible for elaborate and testing the guidelines for creating a BL-lesson plan and methods, strategies and activities to use (BL=blended learning).

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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