Coding Course at Novia Engelska Skolan
Daniel and Emelie are teaching teachers how to program through the steps you would take when teaching young, beginner students. This way teachers will experience the challenges through the students’ point of view.
The first step is ‘programming by cards’. The purpose of the activity is to understand how programming is actually about giving and interpreting complicated instructions, one step at a time. Programming by cards is a way to practise these skills without computers.
The next activities use blue-bots, which are basic level robots that teach simple programming. They can be used in different ways and for different subjects. We emphasize the importance of showing students the many possibilities there are to use programming skills in today’s world - not only in science and math, but in our daily lives. As well, there are very few women in stem-related jobs. Therefore, schools have a great responsibility to engage female students.
Block-programming in Scratch is the next step. We focus on the basic commands, but also offer more challenging and creative tasks.