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A1-Meeting with organizations’ educational staffs to introduce the objectives and activities, announcing the project approval

A2- Choosing Project team members/ meeting with the project team member and disturbing the duties

A3- Preparation for transnational meetings

M1- Kick off meeting in Cefalu –ITALY

A4- Creating web site and social media accounts of the project

A5- Competition for project logo/poster and  presentation template( these logo, posters and templates will be used all the meetings and all the documents created by the partners,etc.)

A6- Launching event ( the target audience of the event  are school principals,teachers,teacher trainers, students,representatives of educational associations,university departments,local educational authorities,local municipalities, press)

A7- Choosing the participants for  the LTT activities, meeting with them, preparation for first LTT

C1- First LTT in Lisbon-Portugal – the title is Teaching STEM in  the 21st century classrooms

A8- Organizing teacher training seminars to spread out the Stem awareness

A9- Preparing the first e-magazine after the first LTT  ( Turkey will be responsible to  design it, others will give necessary documents and information)- publish it on the project and organizations’ own web sites and social media accounts, send e-mails to all stakeholders. All members will separate it to their vicinity by taking its hard copies

C2- Second LTT in Sweden- the title is: The Role of Technology Ä°n Education and best practices of using it in our classes.

A10- Organizing Workshops for teachers after second LTT to enrich their teaching competences

A11- Preparing second e-magazine after Second LTT ( Portugal is going to design it- others will give necessary documents and information)- publish it on the project and organizations’ own web sites and social media accounts, send e-mails to all stakeholders. All members will separate it to their vicinity by taking its hard copies

M2- The second transnational project meeting in Italy

A12-preparation fort he pilot implementation- choosing the target group of students and teachers ( applying surveys)

C3- Third LTT in Greece the title is; Innovative Curriculum and pedagogy  in STEM disciplines .

A13- Establishing local group for evaluating the the curricula and revising / adopting the modules according the their own student’s level.

A14- Preparing third e-magazine after the third LTT meeting. ( Sweden is going to design it-others will give necessary documents and information)- publish it on the project and organizations’ own web sites and social media accounts, send e-mails to all stakeholders. All members will separate it to their vicinity by taking its hard copies

A15- Celebrating World Science Day ( Each partner will celebrate the World Science Day in their schools/Organisations/institution)

A16- Pilot Ä°mplementation of the modules of the curricula on teachers

A17-Pilot  Ä°mplementation of the modules of the curricula on students

A18- The Stem Conference will be held in each partner country ( The professional expert will invite  as speakers from the universities/institutions,etc.)

A19- Celebrating PÄ° DAY (Each partner will celebrate the Pi Day in their schools/Organisations/institution)

C4- The Fourth LTT in Romania. The title is ; exchanging the good practices  and International science Fair. ( every partner country will present their own countries famous living scientist and their working areas and bring the most valuable sample of Stem)

A20- Preparing the the fourth  e-magazine after the fourth LTT. ( Italy is going to design it -others will give necessary documents and information)- publish it on the project and organizations’ own web sites and social media accounts, send e-mails to all stakeholders. All members will separate it to their vicinity by taking its hard copies

M3-The Third Transnational Project  Meeting in Turkey

A21- Preparing the Final Report

A22- Dissemination Activities

A23- Project Management

A24- Project Monitoring and Evaluation

Our Activities

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